- What Programs Are Available To Assist Elderly Adults in South Carolina?
What Medicaid Waiver Programs are in South Carolina? South Carolina has several waivers including:
- Community Supports;
- Community Choices
- Mechanical Ventilator Dependent;
- Head and Spinal Cord Injury;
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder;
- MR and Related Disabilities;
- Medically Complex Children;
What state department operates the Medicaid waiver program in South Carolina? South Carolina does not have a state home and community based waiver for elderly persons.
What programs assist older adults in South Carolina? South Carolina's Office on Aging may be able to provide some resources for assisting seniors.
What is the best number to call to get started? To learn more about programs that assist seniors in South Carolina call 1-800-868-9095.
Is there a website? https://aging.sc.gov/programs-and-initiatives
- What Services Are Offered
Although South Carolina does not operate a Home and Community Based Waiver for elderly persons, there are some resources that may be helpful.
- The Alzheimer’s Resource Coordination Center (ARCC) serves as a statewide focal point for coordination, service development, information, and education to assist persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders (ADRD) and their families.
- The ElderCare Trust Fund helps needy South Carolinians by awarding grants to fund innovative programs that help seniors age in place and avoid the heavy cost of institutionalization.
- Family Caregiver Support Regional family caregiver advocates work one‐on‐one with caregivers, providing counseling, support, and help in gaining access to available community services.
- Nutrition Group dining and home delivered meal programs provide sustenance and human contact for frail or homebound older adults.
- Senior Centers LGOA provides funding for the creation and improvement of senior centers throughout the state.
- Additional Information
Looking for help? If you are a senior or caregiver looking for services in South Carolina, visit the resource site GetCareSC.com. This page describes the programs South Carolina state agency supports, but most programs in South Carolina vary by county. At GetCareSC.com, you can use your zip code to find local programs and services near you.