What Programs Are Available To Assist Elderly Adults in Hawaii?

What Medicaid Waiver Programs are in Hawaii? Hawaii does not have a Medicaid Waiver program for elderly adults.

What state department operates the Medicaid waiver program for elderly persons in Hawaii? Hawaii does not have a Medicaid Waiver program for elderly adults. The Executive Office on Aging (EOA) is the designated lead agency in the coordination of a statewide system of aging and caregiver support services in the State of Hawaii, as authorized by federal and state laws.

What programs assist older adults in Hawaii? Home and Community Based Services; Long Term Adult Supports & Resources; and Family Support Services Program assist elderly adults in Hawaii.

What is the best number to call to get started?
To learn more about services for elderly people in Hawaii Call:
Honolulu: (808)768-7705
• Hawaii: (808)961-8600
• Maui/Molokai/Lanai: (808)270-7774
• Kauai: (808)241-4470

Is there a website?

Who Qualifies For Assistance?

Who qualifies for Assistance in Hawaii? The "Home and community services" program helps older adults, age 60 and older, remain active and independent.

Is There a Waiting List For Services?

How long is the waiting list in Hawaii? Hawaii did not report a waiting list for the elderly services.

What Services Are Offered & What Are The Service Limitations?

What services does the Medicaid waiver program offer in Hawaii? Hawaii does not have a Medicaid Waiver program for elderly adults. Hawaii's "Home and community services" program provides the following services: Adult Day Care/Adult Day Health; Assisted Transportation; Attendant Care; Case Management; Chore Services; Congregate Meals; Home Delivered Meals; Homemaker/Housekeeper; Information and Assistance; Legal Assistance; Nutrition Education; Personal Care; and Transportation.

How Do You Select A Provider?

Who will provide my services? Providers must complete provider enrollment process with MedQuest, a division of Hawaii Department of Human Services.

Additional Information

The federal Older Americans Act establishes an Aging Network and provides federal funding for elderly support services, nutrition services, preventive health services, elder rights protection, and family caregiver support services. Chapter 349 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes establishes the Executive Office on Aging as the focal point for all matters relating to older adults’ needs and the coordination and development of caregiver support services within the State of Hawaii.

HI Providers

Hawaii Providers


Goodwill Hawaii (808) 836-0313
Serving Hawaii
Provides job placement, career development, education, training, employment and support services.

Arc of Kona 1-877-347-3257
Serving Hawaii
We offer a variety of programs to choose from. There is some support available for any level of need or preference.